The development of character and integrity is a fundamental objective of the National Police Training Institute. In order to attain this objective, all personnel and students/trainees are bound by the rules of the Honor Code in the public safety profession.

a. Students/trainees of the National Police Training Institute are therefore expected to be exemplars of the highest norms of conduct as officers, gentlemen and ladies, and future followers and leaders of the country.

 b. Academic related activities such as examinations, graded practical exercises, and completion of written requirements and administrative reports must be the result of the students/trainees personal accomplishments.

 c. Students/trainees who violate the Honor Code shall be referred to the Academic Board for appropriate proceedings.

The following acts are inimical to the Honor Code:

 a.  Lying is an act of making false statements, orally or in writing.

 b. Stealing is the act of taking with intent to gain and without consent properties belonging to another.

c. Cheating is contrary to good morals being an act of taking, undue/unfair advantage of another for the deceitful purpose of obtaining an object. Acts classified as cheating shall not be limited to the   following:

1)  Copying from notes or references during examination.

2) Possession of unauthorized materials having direct bearing or relevance to the examination.

3)    Intentionally looking at the examination answers of another.

4)  Act of allowing another to copy his/her answers during examination.

d. Tolerating or failing to report to proper authorities those who committed the act of lying, cheating or stealing.

 (Source: NPTI Training Guide Revised 2018)
